Does Your Website Need a Refresh? Key Things to Consider.

People are spending more time online and have different expectations for sites than they did even just three years ago. Consumers use mobile devices for over 50% of all web traffic and make quick, lasting judgments on brands based solely on a website. Having a mobile responsive, aesthetically pleasing, easily navigated website is important.

Have you ever had a project that stays on your list for significantly longer than you’d planned? At home, perhaps you want to organize the basement or redo the paint in the guest room, but cleaning the kitchen or weeding the front lawn always comes first, and then somehow, the day is done. In business, I’ve found we often experience this same phenomenon. With the plethora of items on your to do list, some things will fall to the wayside. For many companies, the website becomes one of the “it can wait” items, and sometimes it ends up in the “wait” pile for years. Developing a website takes time and resources. Once it’s done and launched, and you’ve finished celebrating that you no longer have to review copy, it remains the same. Perhaps you update content as services shift, or post blogs, but the overall design and platform remain - sometimes much longer than they should. 

I’d like to suggest that your website move to the more urgent priorities list, and here’s why. People are spending more time online and have different needs and expectations for sites than they did even just three years ago. Consumers use mobile devices for over 50% of all website traffic and make quick, lasting judgments on a brand based solely on their website. Thus, having a mobile responsive, aesthetically pleasing, easily navigated website is important. The global pandemic has impacted work flow in different ways and offers opportunities to thoughtfully address some of those “I’ll do it later” items. Perhaps this is the exact right time to take a look at your website and consider a refresh. There’s also something powerful in launching a new look, feel, or brand experience in tandem with the re-opening of our economy. Take a moment this week and go onto your website as though you were a first-time viewer. Imagine you have fresh eyes and see what you think. Consider:

  • Is it mobile friendly? In 2018, 52.2% of all website traffic was from mobile phones. Having a site that is easily navigated on a phone is critical. 

  • Is it visually appealing? Your website is the online face of your company. You probably take great care to have a well designed, clean and welcoming office. Does your website offer that same feeling? If you value efficiency and quick results, does your website get to the point in a clean and aesthetically pleasing way? 48% of visitors will determine how credible a company is based on the website’s designs and over a third will stop engaging with a website if it’s unattractive (BlueCorona)

  • How does your content read? Is it easy to follow? Does it explain clearly what you do and why you do it?  The way you write about your business gives potential customers their first glimpse at your organization and should inform them of who you are, what you do and how you can help. Well written content can be a strong differentiator between you and competitors. Take a look at your copy. Is it easy to read? Do you understand what your company does? Does it feel like your brand? If your law firm is strongly invested in the client experience, does the language model that? If your tech company is dedicated to creating an experience of understanding in a complex world, does your content do that as well? At a base level, is everything accurate? Take a look through your content periodically and ensure it speaks to the core of your organization. It’s a good on-going practice to begin. 

  • Is it optimized for search engines? You could have the most beautiful website, but if it can’t be found, it’s not useful. Are you integrating SEO best practices? Do you have on-going content creation to drive people to your site through a blog or other content marketing initiatives? SEO can seem overwhelming, but some simple steps can make a big difference.

  • Does it feel like you? It’s important that your website represents the core of your business and represents your mission and values. Does your website feel the way you’d like it to as a digital representation of your company? 

While it might feel like a huge mountain to climb to update your website, it doesn’t have to be. Small changes can go a long way (update your content, refresh your images!). If you do decide it’s time to make some larger shifts, we can help. We’ve built many websites, developed content strategies, and refreshed brand guidelines to ensure you are effectively sharing the unique core of your company with the world. Contact us and let’s get started. 


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